About this course:
Our immersive online course on Market Research provides a comprehensive exploration into the intricate art and scienceof understanding consumer behaviour, trends, and market dynamics.
Do you want to grow your business and take it to new heights? Achieving sustainable growth requires a deep understandingof your target audience and a keen awareness of industry trends. This marketing course equips you with the knowledge andskills required to understand your target customers and their needs. We start with a brief history and definition of‘market research’ before we lay out the six steps of the market research process.
This course examines the classifications of market research and explains how to identify research problems to set up themarket research process. We show you how to develop and design a market research approach. We also trace therelationship between market problems and research design by distinguishing between exploratory, descriptive and causalresearch. The course goes over data analysis techniques and discusses how to deliver effective presentations of researchfindings to facilitate analysis and discussion.
What Will You Learn?
- Discuss the importance of market research in supporting marketing decision-making
- Identify the factors that influence the decision to conduct market research
- Outline the key components of a market research proposal
- Discuss the significance of problem identification in marketing research
- Analyse the key characteristics and advantages of qualitative research
- Recognise the factors that affect the sample size and accuracy in quantitative research
- Identify the key components and goals of a questionnaire
- Explain the importance of data validation and quality control
- Summarise the significance of the report and presentation as key components of marketing research
- Discuss the ethical principles of research methodology and the importance of integrity in market research